Friday, September 5, 2008

The Race

On Sunday Matt and I woke up at 5:30 am to get into our racing corrals by 6:30 am. One might ask why we are getting up and around so early on a holiday weekend? It is because we were going to run a half marathon. Which leads to the next question "Why would you want to run 13.1 miles?" Well all I can say is that it is fun.

I am not one that does local 5K races or anything like that. The only race I run each year is in fact this half marathon. Each year (for the past 4 years) I have gone to Virginia Beach on Labor Day weekend to run this race. It is a nice race. It is a flat course (it is at the much flatter can you get?), and this is called the rock and roll half marathon because there are bands at almost each mile playing for the racers.

Matt and I started out together, then quickly he got ahead. We met up twice during the race. I finished in 3 hours and 9 minutes (not too bad since my best time of all is 2:55). Matt finished somewhere around 3 hours and 30 minutes (very good for him since he did not get to run half as much as I did before the race).
Matt and I before the race.
We wanted to take an after shot, but were too tired!

Another of the joys of the weekend was that the race was not the only event that was happening at the beach. It was also the weekend for the American Music Festival. This meant that at any point in the evening there were about 6 concerts that you could attend. So on Friday we got to see Starship (or Jefferson Starship), Saturday we got to see Billy Idol, and Sunday we went to a swing concert.

We had a great time. It was a wonderful weekend.


Amy said...

sounds like you had fun!! Cute picture of the shoes!!

Davene said...

"It was fun." Hmmm...I'm not sure I can understand that way of thinking. :)

Anyway, big congrats on your accomplishments!!! I take my hat off to you...or maybe it's my running shoes I take off, since obviously I don't use them and you do. ;)

suedaniels said...

Congratulations! You have inspired me to begin training so that I may one day run to the bottom of my driveway - and back, which as you know would be uphill. Way to go, guys!
