Our hotel was in Christiansburg, I am so glad that Jenn found it when she did because there was a NASCAR race close by and this was one of the last rooms available in the area. After checking in we made our way to Floyd, VA. At Floyd we got some really good Mexican food and lots of good talking and stories. Such a good start to a girls weekend out, but it only got better! We then walked down the street to the Floyd Country Store, after a 4 dollar entrance fee we were able to browse the shop, listen to three great bluegrass bands, and we even learned how to do some flat-footing dance. An older lady at the dance, Kay, was one who was teaching us how to do it. She looked at me and said "honey, you have no excuse not to dance. I learned how to twist when I was pregnant. My husband begged me not do it because he did not want to explain to the hospital that twisting set me into labor..." She was a interesting and wild lady.
At 11:00 pm we left the dance, made it back to the hotel and stayed up to almost 2:00 am just talking and talking.
Finally after sleeping in, then a great brunch at Cracker Barrel we said our good-byes till next month when I will once again be in Harrisonburg.
That night Matt and I went to a local YMCA to attend a Contra Dance. It had been months since we did this kind of dancing last, but we had a blast! The band was great, the caller was wonderful, and the people were very friendly (even when one man joked about how we were dancing for three). I have a feeling that dancing is going to have to slow down or stop till about Feb. or later, but I am glad that I was able to have such a wonderful dance filled weekend.
1 comment:
Once the baby comes, have the girls nights closer to the 'burg and I will watch her while you are out dancing the night away!
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