So I have learned today that Matt has a much better memory than I do (at least now during the pregnancy).
He called me tonight to let me know that he was on his way home from work. And during this phone call he asked me if I had started dinner. I was being a bit lazy today, so I had not even begun dinner, I said "no." He responded by asking me if I wanted to go out on a date.
Well, of course I want to go on a date!
I was excited, and went up to change and get ready for the date. But I could not figure out for the life of me why all of the sudden he wanted to go on a date. He had mentioned that it was a special day...I wonder what happened at work that made it so special? I will have to ask him when he comes home.
He arrived at home with a doughnut for me (that was just because it was left over from the day at work) and the question of where I want to celebrate this special day. So I took advantage of this opening to have him tell me of the day. His day was nice and good, but not special at all. So why in the world did he want to take me on a date...WHAT WAS SO SPECIAL?
I was doing my hair while talking to Matt, right before we left and it dawned on is October 30th...
Two years to the day that we first met.
What can I say, my memory is not what it used to be. I am glad that Matt is remembering these special occasions when I do not. So we went out to Smoky Bones Grill and had a wonderful dinner, conversation and just in general time together.
A very large milestone now has been met for both of us...we have now been together longer than any of our other relationships in the past have lasted. And whats more, we are happily together and have a bright future ahead.
Little did either of us realize two years ago that we would be married and have a little girl on the way. I am so glad that I have had two years of knowing and loving you, I look forward to many, many more.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Dancing the weekend away
With my little girl on the way, two of my girl friends from Harrisonburg decided that it would be good to have one last girls weekend together before I become a mom (we will continue these weekends later, but it will be different).
Stephanie and Jenn drove down from Harrisonburg on Friday and got to Roanoke around 5:30. After many driving adventures (which always seem to happen with Stephanie in the car) we were on our way to check into our hotel.
Our hotel was in Christiansburg, I am so glad that Jenn found it when she did because there was a NASCAR race close by and this was one of the last rooms available in the area. After checking in we made our way to Floyd, VA. At Floyd we got some really good Mexican food and lots of good talking and stories. Such a good start to a girls weekend out, but it only got better! We then walked down the street to the Floyd Country Store, after a 4 dollar entrance fee we were able to browse the shop, listen to three great bluegrass bands, and we even learned how to do some flat-footing dance. An older lady at the dance, Kay, was one who was teaching us how to do it. She looked at me and said "honey, you have no excuse not to dance. I learned how to twist when I was pregnant. My husband begged me not do it because he did not want to explain to the hospital that twisting set me into labor..." She was a interesting and wild lady.
At 11:00 pm we left the dance, made it back to the hotel and stayed up to almost 2:00 am just talking and talking.
Finally after sleeping in, then a great brunch at Cracker Barrel we said our good-byes till next month when I will once again be in Harrisonburg.
That night Matt and I went to a local YMCA to attend a Contra Dance. It had been months since we did this kind of dancing last, but we had a blast! The band was great, the caller was wonderful, and the people were very friendly (even when one man joked about how we were dancing for three). I have a feeling that dancing is going to have to slow down or stop till about Feb. or later, but I am glad that I was able to have such a wonderful dance filled weekend.
Our hotel was in Christiansburg, I am so glad that Jenn found it when she did because there was a NASCAR race close by and this was one of the last rooms available in the area. After checking in we made our way to Floyd, VA. At Floyd we got some really good Mexican food and lots of good talking and stories. Such a good start to a girls weekend out, but it only got better! We then walked down the street to the Floyd Country Store, after a 4 dollar entrance fee we were able to browse the shop, listen to three great bluegrass bands, and we even learned how to do some flat-footing dance. An older lady at the dance, Kay, was one who was teaching us how to do it. She looked at me and said "honey, you have no excuse not to dance. I learned how to twist when I was pregnant. My husband begged me not do it because he did not want to explain to the hospital that twisting set me into labor..." She was a interesting and wild lady.
At 11:00 pm we left the dance, made it back to the hotel and stayed up to almost 2:00 am just talking and talking.
Finally after sleeping in, then a great brunch at Cracker Barrel we said our good-byes till next month when I will once again be in Harrisonburg.
That night Matt and I went to a local YMCA to attend a Contra Dance. It had been months since we did this kind of dancing last, but we had a blast! The band was great, the caller was wonderful, and the people were very friendly (even when one man joked about how we were dancing for three). I have a feeling that dancing is going to have to slow down or stop till about Feb. or later, but I am glad that I was able to have such a wonderful dance filled weekend.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The List
My very long list of what I would like to get done before our little one arrives is slowly getting checked off and in return becoming shorter and shorter :)
First, I finally finished the quilt that I have been working on. All of the materials that were used were extra scraps left over from other projects that were done in the nursery. I think that it turned out well.

Matt had a lot of say in this quilt and he came up with the pattern, and the idea of alternating the blue and yellow pinwheels (without his in put I would have done all yellow pinwheels with blue background, but I like this so much better!)
I think that one of my favorite part of this quit is the back. This shows all of the stitching that was done. It is finally done and I am happy with it.
Second, we had our last childbirth class last night.
Two more things checked off, so many more yet to do...but I am now this much closer to finally feeling really ready for our little girl.
First, I finally finished the quilt that I have been working on. All of the materials that were used were extra scraps left over from other projects that were done in the nursery. I think that it turned out well.
Matt had a lot of say in this quilt and he came up with the pattern, and the idea of alternating the blue and yellow pinwheels (without his in put I would have done all yellow pinwheels with blue background, but I like this so much better!)
Second, we had our last childbirth class last night.
Two more things checked off, so many more yet to do...but I am now this much closer to finally feeling really ready for our little girl.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Random Thoughts
Just some things I wanted to write down since I had not done a real post in quite awhile:
1. The only thing that I can find that is good about school starting at 7:30am is (beside getting out of school at 2:30) the wonderful sunrises that I get to gaze out at while driving around town to get to work. The sky was truly lovely on Thursday, I hope for more mornings like that.
2. Last Tuesday I realized that I have a little kick boxer in me. For not only can I now feel the kicks, and not only can Matt feel the kicks, but now Matt can watch my belly and SEE the kicks. He was watching me one evening and just pointed at me and said, "Yep, there was one....and there is another one" and it went on from there.
3. Thursday we went to childbirth classes (this one was our fourth one). It is kind of humorous that at each class as soon as we being to watch the video for the day, my little girl starts kicking like crazy. Almost as if to say "Mommy, I can do that. Watch me, I can do that too." Yes, I know that you can be born....just not yet!
4. Just had a guest at our house (well 4 guests). The Wampole family came down to help Matt and I with some tasks that were beginning to loom over head. For instance Amy helped me wash all of the baby clothes in Dreft, set up the dresser and the closet. We put together the swing and bassinet (and covered them so that they will not get too dirty in the mean time). Mike helped Matt with his workbench and also entertaining the two boys.
5. In addition to laundry Amy and I were cooking machines. On Saturday we made about 15 meals for freezing. This is so that when I am not wanting to cook late in my pregnancy or when the baby comes and I do not want to cook, I can just walk to the freezer and all will be done. We made: Meatloaf, Ham and Potato Casserole, Stuffed Shells, Chili, Chicken Tetrazzini, and Chicken and Corn Enchiladas. It was hard to let all of this food go straight to the freezer and not try it or eat it as a meal, but I know that it will be wonderful to have it later on.
6. And to end on a very happy note... At my last doctor's visit I had the great pleasure of drinking the orange liquid that tests for gestational diabetes. And to my dismay I did not pass the test. My numbers should have been 135 or lower and mine was 140. So I was ordered to go to the local clinic and get fasting blood work done. So after fasting, then having my blood drawn every hour for three hours, and waiting three days for results...I found out that my numbers are actually fine. It must have been the instant oatmeal that I ate for breakfast before the first test. I really did come to terms with the results if they had not been fine, my theory is that gestational diabetes (though not desired) is a small complication compared to some other things that can happen during pregnancy. But I am at the same time very relieved that all is well and that Grace and I are fine.
7. Oh yeah, one last case you did not know, we decided to name our little girl Grace. And I have realized that I need to remind myself that I am full of Grace, because I am certainly not GraceFULL at this time. Ha Ha!
So here I am delaying going through boxes and continuing what Amy and I began this weekend with cleaning and organizing. This blog is long enough...maybe I should get back to work.
1. The only thing that I can find that is good about school starting at 7:30am is (beside getting out of school at 2:30) the wonderful sunrises that I get to gaze out at while driving around town to get to work. The sky was truly lovely on Thursday, I hope for more mornings like that.
2. Last Tuesday I realized that I have a little kick boxer in me. For not only can I now feel the kicks, and not only can Matt feel the kicks, but now Matt can watch my belly and SEE the kicks. He was watching me one evening and just pointed at me and said, "Yep, there was one....and there is another one" and it went on from there.
3. Thursday we went to childbirth classes (this one was our fourth one). It is kind of humorous that at each class as soon as we being to watch the video for the day, my little girl starts kicking like crazy. Almost as if to say "Mommy, I can do that. Watch me, I can do that too." Yes, I know that you can be born....just not yet!
4. Just had a guest at our house (well 4 guests). The Wampole family came down to help Matt and I with some tasks that were beginning to loom over head. For instance Amy helped me wash all of the baby clothes in Dreft, set up the dresser and the closet. We put together the swing and bassinet (and covered them so that they will not get too dirty in the mean time). Mike helped Matt with his workbench and also entertaining the two boys.
5. In addition to laundry Amy and I were cooking machines. On Saturday we made about 15 meals for freezing. This is so that when I am not wanting to cook late in my pregnancy or when the baby comes and I do not want to cook, I can just walk to the freezer and all will be done. We made: Meatloaf, Ham and Potato Casserole, Stuffed Shells, Chili, Chicken Tetrazzini, and Chicken and Corn Enchiladas. It was hard to let all of this food go straight to the freezer and not try it or eat it as a meal, but I know that it will be wonderful to have it later on.
6. And to end on a very happy note... At my last doctor's visit I had the great pleasure of drinking the orange liquid that tests for gestational diabetes. And to my dismay I did not pass the test. My numbers should have been 135 or lower and mine was 140. So I was ordered to go to the local clinic and get fasting blood work done. So after fasting, then having my blood drawn every hour for three hours, and waiting three days for results...I found out that my numbers are actually fine. It must have been the instant oatmeal that I ate for breakfast before the first test. I really did come to terms with the results if they had not been fine, my theory is that gestational diabetes (though not desired) is a small complication compared to some other things that can happen during pregnancy. But I am at the same time very relieved that all is well and that Grace and I are fine.
7. Oh yeah, one last case you did not know, we decided to name our little girl Grace. And I have realized that I need to remind myself that I am full of Grace, because I am certainly not GraceFULL at this time. Ha Ha!
So here I am delaying going through boxes and continuing what Amy and I began this weekend with cleaning and organizing. This blog is long enough...maybe I should get back to work.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Dreams Trying To Tell Me Something?
Last night I had a very strange dream. I had a dream that I was asked to preach one Sunday at Weavers Mennonite Church (the church that I grew up in). The topic was about having a very busy life and how we should let God be in charge of our life and let Him determine what should/could be done and also when/how things should be done. But the funny part of the dream is that in the dream it was Sunday morning and I was sitting in the back of the church while the opening hymn was sung....WRITING MY SERMON because I was too busy that week to write it!
I awoke thinking, was God trying to tell me something about my life? I know I am busy but I did not think that I was that busy! Here are just a few things that are going on in my life:
1. I have become a fill in Kindergarten assistant at a local elementary school from now to Nov. 20. So I will be working daily.
2. Trying to do all of the projects that I would like to do for the nursery (quilt, shades, etc)
3. Trying to do things for others (making a gift for my niece, making food for those in need, etc)
4. Attempting to keep the house together (cleaning, washing clothes, etc)
5. Making food, and extra food for when the baby does come.
6. Attempting to have some of a social life (hosting visitors, hosting parties, going to BBQs)
Just a few things off of the top of my you think that my dream was trying to tell me something?
I awoke thinking, was God trying to tell me something about my life? I know I am busy but I did not think that I was that busy! Here are just a few things that are going on in my life:
1. I have become a fill in Kindergarten assistant at a local elementary school from now to Nov. 20. So I will be working daily.
2. Trying to do all of the projects that I would like to do for the nursery (quilt, shades, etc)
3. Trying to do things for others (making a gift for my niece, making food for those in need, etc)
4. Attempting to keep the house together (cleaning, washing clothes, etc)
5. Making food, and extra food for when the baby does come.
6. Attempting to have some of a social life (hosting visitors, hosting parties, going to BBQs)
Just a few things off of the top of my you think that my dream was trying to tell me something?
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