Monday, January 30, 2012


There is a new photographer in town that you might want to consider for your next special occasion.  

A few months back I dropped my iPhone and it cracked the screen.  So I got a new iPhone.  My old iPhone worked pretty well, but not the best.  So we bought a cover protector so that the glass would stay put and not cut anyone, and I gave it to Grace to play with after we made it so that she could not make any calls or anything like that.

What she does like to do with it is play games (or at least turn the games on and listen to the music it plays).  And take pictures.  Here is a view of her life through her pictures.
 Mommy holding Grace's baby doll.
 Glen sleeping
 Grace's new kitchen
 The bouncy seat, Glen is not happy!
 Really cool picture of the piano
 Grace has one sock on (she loves to take pictures of her feet as you will see)
 Grace has no socks on
 Daddy eating breakfast
 Grace's lone lucky charm
 Grace has sneakers on
Our living room

If you are into abstract art, and do not mind feeling a bit dizzy this might just be the photographer for you.  I hope you enjoyed looking through her artwork.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photography...for a two year old. This made my day. Mamaw