Monday, November 9, 2009

Long Time In The Making

...about four generations (at least) to be exact.

When getting married Matt and I requested kind of an unusual picture, we wanted to have both families in one picture to show one huge united family through marriage.

So for about a year we have had this beautiful large picture laying around the house. I had been thinking about where to put it, and how to make it best used....So I finally came up with an idea, that is now in the works and Matt and I both agree that it looks great.Up the staircase of our house we had this large empty wall. So in the very middle of the staircase we put the two family picture from the wedding. My family is on the left side of the picture and Matt's is on the right side. So the idea would be that old family pictures of my ancestors would go up the staircase (on the left side of the wedding pic) and Matt's old family pictures of ancestors would go down the staircase (on the right side of the wedding pic).

The idea came because one day my mom handed me a folder full of old family pictures, and I thought they were too wonderful and special to keep hidden away. So I framed them in random frames, and have hung them in little groups to be seen and admired as you walk up the stairs.

I have more to add, but I think that it looks great.

Steve and Sue...Matt's side is empty, is there a way we can get good copies of old pictures?


Amy said...

That looks great! I can tell you one thing--the people in those pictures would have never thought their pictures would be on the internet!! :)

suedaniels said...

Well, who could have thought there would be anything like an internet?

Sure, Lana, I'm sure we can come up with some ancestor pictures. It's a very nice idea. You and Matt always seem to come up with good symbolism. I'll get right on it. . .