Saturday, May 2, 2009


I am usually not one to talk much about my clothing or really for that matter care about what I wear. But I wanted to share with you a new wardrobe overhual that is going to be happening in my closet(s).
Nice shirt, isn't it? That is part of my new clothing that I have acquired. The special part of this clothing is that it includes room for growth :)

Yes, I am pregnant! Maternity clothes will be invading my closet(s), and I am so excited about it. Matt and I will be expecting a very special Christmas present since I am due somewhere around that day.


suedaniels said...


We are so excited for you, Matt and Lana! Enjoy these days.


Lana said...

Hey Mom,
I guess this means no more "Just wait 'till you have kids of your own!", eh?


carol said...

It's about time that you make the official blog announcement!! :)
Enjoy the new wardrobe! :)

Amy said...

I am so glad you finally announced this on your blog! We are very excited for you!

Betty said...

Guess What!!! This is my first time to do the comment on my own..
We are so thrilled to hear about a new grandbaby on the way. Hope the jucky sick feeling soon will be history.
Love to read your blog!

Love, Mom