Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fruit Loops and Pipe Cleaners

We have been quite crafty over here in the past week.  On Saturday we got a box of Fruit Loops.  Not only do they make a yummy snack for the kids, it is also great crafting material.

Grace loved stringing up the Fruit Loops and making a necklace.
 Then she went to take a nap and Glen enjoyed her necklace as a snack!
 Grace made a Fruit Loop rainbow and also discovered the wonders of cotton balls (which she now calls mushrooms for some reason)
This morning I decided to try something that I saw on the internet.  I got two colanders out and a pack of pipe cleaners.  Glen had seconds of fun, while Grace loved it for much longer.  She strung them in this way and that, pulled them through, and just in general had a great time.

Now off to get ready to make graham crackers with Grace.


Anonymous said...

Glen, has a great appetite. Grace needs to keep her jewelry in a safe place. Good blog!!! Mamaw

Sue Daniels said...

Yes, excellent post. I'm so glad she likes to use her table. I spent many happy hours at that table when I was her age.