Saturday, September 5, 2009

Appointment #5

Yesterday I had appointment #5.

All is well. I had another sonogram because last appointment our baby did not cooperate with getting into the right positions for all of the pictures that the nurse and the doctor wanted. So I got to see our little girl again and most importantly hear her heart beat.

Galloping along at 153 bpm.

Nothing much to report. It was just such a blessing to first hear her heart beat, but then to see her on the screen moving around and twisting was so wonderful. It was a bit strange to see her kick or punch, and feel it at the same time.

I can not believe that this is already appointment #5, it is going so fast. Soon I will be able to see our little girl, and not just on a black and white, grainy tv screen.

1 comment:

suedaniels said...

Hang in there, Grace! It won't be long now.

Lana, Steve showed me the pictures he took of your nursery, and it is really shaping up into something special. You did a really nice job on the roman shades.
