Monday, February 18, 2019

Turkey Trot

In September I did something to my knee that has prevented me from running (or even walking without some form of ache or pain).  So when Grace wanted to run the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot in Harrisonburg, my sisters thankfully stepped up to the plate and said that they would run with her.
 I was their cheering section.
Here is all three of them ready to go.
 Amy, Grace, and Carol all running together.
 Grace found a friend from cub scouts and she started to lag behind Amy.  But she still had a great time.
 Finally she realized that she was there to run and not to socialize.  She was also determined to run with Carol so she picked up the pace.
 After the race, Grace got part of her birthday present from Carol and Amy...
A manicure day with them.  She got many new fingernail polishes and fancy jewels that she can place on her nails.  Here is her thoughts about the present.  It got one BIG thumbs up.

Thank you Amy and Carol for stepping in for me and running with Grace.

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