Friday, February 8, 2019

Fire Safety Poster Contest

Two years ago Grace brought home information for a fire safety contest.  She drew a smoke detector and won first place.
 This year Grace once again brought home that information and wanted to make a poster that went with the words "Look, Listen, Learn." She had many ideas and in doing her ideas had to learn some techniques such as perspective, shadowing, and some tips with oil pastels.
 After learning those techniques she was off to drawing the picture.  She drew it all on her own, but had the idea to singe the corner of her drawing where the fire was starting.  So I assisted her on the burning of the paper since I did not want it to get out of hand.
 She entered the poster and to our surprise she got first place for her age group.  And she also got the Overall winner which is called the Chief''s choice.  The prize was a $50.00 gift card to Walmart for first place, and yet another $50.00 gift card for the Chief's choice.  She was a very happy girl.
I am so proud of her and her desire to learn more about art and try out new techniques.

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