Monday, July 25, 2011

Iowa Vacation (Part 2)

Woke early Monday morning (not hard to do when you have a little one who has an internal alarm clock that goes off at about 6:30 am every day) and headed to Steve and Sue's place.  We decided to try to beat the heat and do some adventuring early that day.  So Grace and Ellie (Chris and Katie's child) were presented with their official Iowa sun hats, and off to the Nature Reserve we went.

First we went to the welcome center where the girls got to explore and at one point turned into "animals"

Then it was time for a hike.  The trail that we chose was full of stairs which made Grace very, very, very happy.  She was our leader for most of the hike and very proud of that fact too.

Though it was extremely hot, it was nice to be in the shade and to be out in nature (even for a short bit).  After wearing the girls out on the hike we headed back home to put them down for naps.  Steve and Sue had decided that while we were in Iowa we needed to see movies that took place in Iowa.  For instance...The Music Man, Field of Dreams, Michael, etc.  So they chose that today during lunch we would watch Field of Dreams.  We had all seen the movie before but it was nice to see it again.

But before we got to the movie, we "kids" had a surprise up our sleeves too!  This past July was Steve and Sue's 40th wedding anniversary.  So to celebrate we stole her address box, copied every address, and contacted each one.  Then waited for the letters, notes, cards, and congratulations to come in (which they did) and put them all in a scrap book for them.  I believe they were a little surprised about it all :)

After the movie, the girls woke up, some adults took naps, many card games were played.  It was a nice lazy afternoon.

The evening ended with a nice dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse.  
I was hoping to get to write about two days with each post, but Grace is getting into the mail stack...must go rescue the bills!

1 comment:

Sue Daniels said...

That book was amazing! And what a fabulous surprise! We were not expecting anything like that, at all, but thank you. It must have been a lot of work. You know, I did miss that index card file for a while, then suddenly it was there again. Never suspected that somebody might have taken it. . . You guys are the greatest, to work together and put something that special together for us. Thank you.
