Thursday, February 3, 2011


Now for a very short post, because that is all that Grace is allowing me these days.

Grace is now getting all four of her one year molars.  Teething, drooling, and cuddling included.

Now for the missing part of the post...
When an item is missing from the kitchen where do I look?  The dining room?  Nope.  The Living Room?  Nope.  Any other room in the house?  Nope...
I look in the car, and I usually find success.  Grace has not really clung to an item that she has to take everywhere (except her pacifiers).  But she has discovered that she likes to play with kitchen items and when we leave to go somewhere if she is playing with one, it needs to go with her.

In the car I have discovered:  a plastic cup, many lids, many bowls (none of which fit the lids), straws, a spatula, and a funnel, and many others.  Add a sink and a fridge and I think that I could have a mobile kitchen :)

As mentioned in a previous post, Grace always keeps things interesting.


Sue Daniels said...

rule of aquisition no. 43: you can take it with you. :-)

Amy said...

Sounds like things can get interesting at your house! Just remember, she is my niece-keep the knives away! :)