Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Mash-up of Grace June 29, 2021

As you can tell from the date on the blog post, and the date that is in the title.  I am writing this about a year after it happened.  I am trying to get caught up.

So when I looked at this day's pictures I know that not all of these events happened in this one day, and I am not sure why these pictures showed up for June 29th but that is ok.
Here Grace and her friend Andrew were speaking about a song that they were about to do for their music performance.  This performance was both singing and also preforming on their recorder.
Here Grace is preforming on her recorder.  This would have been around April of her 5th grade year.
In this picture, Grace is helping Mark Harmon by displaying items that are for sale at the Highland auction.  This was one of the main fundraisers that Highland has.  Since I am on the board, the family comes to help and Grace has held items up for sale many times.  This would have been about March of 2020.
Ovi is Carol's dog.  This dog is so tolerant of all of the stuff that Grace puts her through.  Nothing bad, she just loves to love on this dog.  Here she is reading to Ovi...however, the dog does not seem to interested.

 This picture was in April of 2020.  Grace wanted a haircut but due to Covid all of the hair cutting places were closed.  So Eamon was able to get a barber chair and set it up in Carol's sunroom.  So we made a visit to Carol's house and Eamon was able to give her a great haircut.

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