Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Glen is 5

 This sweet little boy turned 5.  He brings so much love and imagination to life.

 For his birthday he got a stuffed Luigi, stuffed mushroom guy, stuffed ghost guy, and Yoshi from the Super Mario Brothers Game he was and still is very happy about them.
 He also had a special playdate with his friend Joel from preschool.  They played duplos,
 Made this house.  They also played, cars and many other things.
They also got to "cook" where they got to have chocolate pudding and they decorated and topped it as they wanted.

1. How old are you? 5
2. Who is your best friend?  Joel Nafziger
3. What is your favorite thing to do?  Play with Luigi
4. What is your favorite color? Green
5. What is your favorite food? Rice
6. What do you like to do with your family?  Play Games
7. What is your favorite toy? Baby Kitty
8. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Baker (make snacks)
9. What makes you happy?  Baby Kitty
10.  What makes you sad?  Falling
11.  What is your favorite show to watch?  Darkwing Duck
12.  What is your favorite book? Alphabet Under Construction
13.  What do you love to learn about? Math
14.  What is the best part of your birthday?  When Joel came over
15.  Where do you like to go?  Mamaw's and Papaw's
16.  Who was your teacher?  Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Hiser
17.  What is your favorite treat? Crackers
18.  What do you think about right before you fall asleep? Super Mario Brothers Characters
19.  If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be?  Luigi
20.  What was your favorite birthday present?  The Luigi character

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