Sunday, July 3, 2016

Bug Hunt

 The Monday after school was out the local university's arboretum had a program for children.  It was called a Big Bug Hunt.
 When we got there the kids were able to make "stick bugs"  They were given a stick and some pipe cleaners and they used the pipe cleaners to make legs for the stick and that was the bug that they were able to take home.
 However, on our bug hunt each child was given a magnifying glass and we were sent on our way around the trails.
 To search on the ground...

 In the bushes...
 In the flowers...
 And all around to find big bugs,
 little bugs,
 any bugs at all.
 In addition to bugs we also found a turtle at the edge of the pond.
 We also found a family of ducks in the pond.
The kids loved exploring nature.

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