Friday, August 10, 2012

From Arkansas To Virginia

This summer we had the wonderful surprise to host Matt's brother (Chris) and his wife (Katie) in our new house.  We had just moved about two months prior to the trip, so boxes were still everywhere... but we had the guest room set up and that is all that matters!

Chris, Katie, and Ellie (their daughter who is 5 weeks older than Grace) arrived Sunday evening and the fun began.  It was about two minutes before Grace and Ellie were laughing, giggling, and chasing each other around a tree in the front yard.  We guided them inside where they chased each other around the circular layout of our house.  Each girl would take a stroller with a baby in it, run after each other, stop by the play room and throw the babies in, run around the circle with an empty stroller, come back and pick up the babies, and begin at the start again.  Minutes of entertainment!

Monday Katie and I took the girls to the children's museum.  Grace flitted from item to item and would not stay put.  Ellie however was very focused on having all of the carrots planted just the right way.  But both girls loved the legos and the letters and were determined to line them up "just right."
 A Dream Come True Playground became a favorite very quickly.  Ellie would not leave the swings, while Grace flitted from item to item to item.  (As I am writing this, I am starting to see a trend... :)
We visited this playground many times this week, even if it was just for 45 minutes or so.  But it was a great way to get the kids out and active so that they would be willing to sleep (which is not something that we saw a lot of this week).

On Tuesday we went to the bowling alley after the kids woke up from their naps.  Last year when we did that the girls just wanted to run down the long hallways and touch the heavy bowling balls.  This year they wanted to bowl.  So we made a deal that the adult would get the first throw then the girls could have the second.  Sometimes the girls actually got a spare for us but that was rare.
 Getting ready to roll the ball.
 Off it goes!
 It rolled down the lane (usually by way of the gutter, but still the girls were very proud of themselves!)
 After bowling we went to a local restaurant.  The girls did very well playing with each other and pointing out items that we still do not know what they were looking at.
 Yes, Glen was on this vacation too.  He was mainly happy, calm, and loved by all.  Ellie joined Grace in her task to be a good "mother" to Glen by getting his bottle and giving him his pacifier.
 The girls loved the water table and playing outside.  Which is a good thing since it was nice this week, but a bit warm (so the water cooled them off).  It was also a good thing since we did a lot of work out in the yard this week by removing trees, stumps, brush, etc. (thank you Chris for all of your work getting those things down!)
 And once again, Glen was there...just out enjoying the grass.
 Other than the strollers and the water table, other favorite toys were the bikes that they rode inside, books, the Upwords game, and blocks.
 I am so glad that Grace has a cousin who is so close in age (even if she does not see her often).  When they do see each other it is almost as if no time has passed and they play so well with each other (most of the time).
 The kids were wonderful.  When naps needed to happen or bed time started to come round we would hear some "it's mine!" and crying.  But what can we expect, they are two.  I am actually very impressed at how well they shared (especially Grace since she does not usually have to share with others her own age).
As far as the adults go, we ate well, played with the kids, talked and laughed a lot, but most of all we played Settlers of Catan!  It was a lot of fun to break out the many versions of that game and play them.
Good food, good times, good memories.  I am glad that they chose to spend their vacation in Virginia.


Anonymous said...

Great blog!! Was good to see two little girls together. Their hair is amazingly similar in color and texture. Glen seemed to enjoy the blocks too. Love Mamaw

Amy said...

Sounds like a fun visit. I laughed at the second to last picture. Glen doesn't look to sure that he wants to be the monkey in the middle.