Thursday of last week was my last post. Then my in-laws came, and we just had too much fun to post a new blog (I will write about that later).
Then we went to Harrisonburg where I accidentally left my compter, so no posts.
This past weekend I finally got my computer back but I was very busy with Belmont (I will write more about that later).
But to make a long story even longer...all of this is to say that I might be writing one or more posts a day to catch up on all that is going on in our lives!

Love the picture!! Go, Grace, Go!!
A Paclid Child: "My mommy and daddy gave me something to make me go!!
1. I laughed so hard when I read your comment Sue!
2. I hope she turns out to be cuter than a Paclid.
3. Question: How did two Ferengi end up having a Paclid?
4. And Finally....
Ah, she's got a ticket to ride,
She's got a ticket to ride,
She's got a ticket to ride,
But she don't care.
My baby don't care, my baby don't care.
My baby don't care, my baby don't care.
My baby don't care.
Mom, Dad! The seat is great, the paint job is good.........but where is the steering wheel?
Grace (as told to her grandpa steve)
3. How did two Ferengi end up with a Paclid child?
Easy. By the Rules of Acquisition.
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