Before breakfast....

Bath Time!
At the beginning of this month I experienced something that I had never experienced before. Mother's Day! And it truly was a special celebration for me.
On the Thursday before, I got a box from Steve and Sue (my in-laws). Inside of the box was a card and a beautiful framed picture of Grace and I after her dedication. It was a wonderful reminder of why I am celebrating this day. It found a special place in the dining room so that I can see it often.
On the Friday before, I got a bouquet of flowers from Matt and Grace. The flowers are from Matt and the brilliant red rose in the middle is from Grace. They quickly made it to the place of honor in the middle of the dining room table so that I could gaze at them often through the day.

Well, to answer that question. After church I got...wait for it....wait for it....A NAP! Oh, it was glorious.
What a wonderful Mother's day, and the gifts were all amazing. But Matt was not done yet...I had one more gift, which I cashed in last Thursday.
I got one night out without Matt or Grace, just to gallivant around town and do as I please. So I went out with one of my friends and we had dinner together. We just sat and talked and ate, nothing special....except that we sat and talked and ate WITHOUT KIDS! I did get to missing Matt and Grace and got home fairly quickly, but it is nice to have a little time away from everyone and everything to recharge.
It was a wonderful first Mother's Day :)
Isn't it funny that all the stuff you did before kids, without even thinking (shower, nap, girls night out) Become the most treasured gifts after kids?
Grace is seeming to be enjoying the walker. She looks so happy in that picture. I believe she has changed a lot since I have last seen her. Can't wait to be seeing you all on May 28. Love Mamaw Betty
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