What a way to start the day. A wonderful walk around the neighborhood with my cute new sun hat!
Ok, Belmont Yard Sale...
Matt and I have been collecting items for the yard sale all year long. So when the day came I got to thinking, what do we have to set out...we have not gotten rid of much. Then we began to pull items that we had been collecting all year long in mom and dad's garage and to our amazement we had A LOT to set out!
The day began the night before, with setting up (the rest of the family did a lot of that since Matt and I arrived so late, Thanks!) We spent much of Friday night organizing, setting up items, and trying to make sure that we were not forgetting or missing boxes or bags of yard sale items. Grace was also in the yard sale mood I guess since I wanted to sleep at 12:00 midnight, but she wanted to stay up till 1:30 am!
The next day began at 4:30 am. Not a long night, but hopefully Grace will sleep in since she had such a late night.... We set everything out and had our first sale at 5:30 am! Which by the way Grace was awake for.... :(
The people selling at our house were all of my family (four households), and three friends of the family. Pretty much it was a big party at the house with lots of talking, laughing, caffeine, food, and fun (it helped that we were all so tired that we were all a little punch drunk!)
Grace had a great time. She was handed off to so many people during that day that at times I had no idea where she was. But she was always in good hands, and usually in a good mood. She acquired a few BIG toys to play with, a walker (which has already been pictured for this blog), an exersaucer, and a portable high chair, and the week before Amy got her in indoor swing that actually works! Matt and I laughed that we got rid of so much little stuff only to buy huge items that do not all fit into our car for the ride home.
Final numbers came out that we made just enough to cover our bill that we acquired at Sharp Shopper that day. This is the second year that we made our yard sale money only to spend that exact amount at Sharp Shopper. Oh, well.
Yard sale day is long, tiring, and crazy. However, I look forward to it each year. In fact, I have already found my first item for the next yard sale day....
1 comment:
Yard Sale day was fun, but TOTALLY exhausting! I have already found a couple of things for the next one as well--don't tell mom and dad! :)
Love the picture. you should use one of these of Grace for your FB picutre. She is so tiny in the that one--needs to be updated. Just a suggestion.
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