I was in bible study with this man's grandson.
This man's son was my biology teacher in high school.
My parents are close friends with this man's daughter and husband.
Matt and I got pre-marriage counseling from this man's son and wife.
I taught this man's grandson in Sunday school.
He preformed my sister's wedding ceremony.
And...he led our Sunday school class when I was dating Matt. That is where Matt met him and developed a great appreciation for him.
Later on down the line, he (Glendon Blosser) also preformed our wedding ceremony and we are so grateful for that.

But that is not where our connection ends. Two years later, he carried Grace around the church as part of her dedication.
Last week we decided that we would like to have Glendon and his daughter and her husband over for dinner.
Glendon was able to meet Glen for the first time, and to see Grace all grown up. It was a very special night. We feel blessed to know Glendon and his family in so many different and varied ways.
You are very right. He is VERY special!!! He looks the same as he did almost 14 years ago, when he married us. I want to know his secret :)
Clean living, no doubt! I'm so glad he got to see Grace as a "grown up" toddler. I enjoyed meeting him, too.
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