One day, a friend of mine was at my house. I showed her my family wall that has pictures of my and Matt's family back to our great grandparents and maybe beyond. As she looked over the pictures, one stuck out to her and she said,
"Wow, if that is not Glen"
Thinking that she was talking of my father, I pointed to another picture and said, "No, this is Glen"
She responded that this picture of my grandfather (Glen's great-grandfather) looked so much like him.

So the question is, does this little boy look like his great-grandfather?
Yes, I think so.
And I am glad because it shows that he is a Kiser.
Oh, and Grandpa Kiser was a handsome man :)
100% Kiser!! 100% Handsome!!
I think he does look a lot like Carl Kiser. Today we kept Glen and Grace and at one point Glen just reminded me of Lyle Kiser. I think he does favor the Kisers. Anyway, he is just a HONEY!!!!! Mamaw
I have been trying to come up with a way to break it to your gently, but there is no way....he's only 1/2 Kiser.
I know that is a shock to the system but there was just no way to let you down gently.
You are right about the handsome part, that came from the Daniels side!!!!
Grandpa Daniels
Thanks, Steve. That was good. Mamaw
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