I can tell you that Matt and I are so thankful to have some wonderful friends in our lives. One of my worries when I moved to Roanoke after marrying Matt was that I knew no one there and all of my friends were 1 1/2-2 hours up Interstate 81. We try to visit friends and family once a month in Harrisonburg, but it is still hard. However, we have been blessed with some friends who are willing to make the trip down south to see us :)

Amy (in the picture above) is a good friend from the Staunton/Stuarts Draft area. We first really got to know each other through Monday night Ethnic food/Sewing nights a year ago. To explain...Amy wanted a T-Shirt quilt made. Laura (another one of our friends) and I led Amy through the process, taught her how to sew and helped her accomplish her quilt. Now that is done, she loves sewing! This past Christmas she got a sewing machine of her own. Recently, she came down to visit and hang out, and also to learn a little more on how her sewing machine worked. So I taught her how to work her machine and we stitched together those two lovely bags as practice runs. Thanks for coming down Amy, it was so much fun!

Shawn and Sarah are people that I met a long time ago while working at Highland Retreat camp. We also spent time together during college and have tried to stay in touch since then. When Matt and I were dating we went over to their house and played board games (Settlers of Catan, Power Grid, Aladdin's Dragons). Since we've gotten married, we have been trying to keep in touch with them. We had the pleasure of spending New Years with them at First Night Harrisonburg. We were grateful to have them come down to our house for a three day visit this past weekend. We got to know Shawn, Sarah, and their son Colin a lot better and we are anxiously looking forward to getting to know their second one that is coming in about a month! Many games were played, many laughs were had, and many balls were played with (thanks to the help of Colin! "BaW!")
These are the only two visitors that I have pictures of, but others have made the trip south for a visit. Jenn has been a visitor of ours many times, and we have had some wonderful dinners together. Laura has been here a few times and I hate to say that on this last trip she took with her a horrible cold that I gave her... (Sorry!)
Keep in mind that if you are ever in town or want to come this way for any reason, we love company so please stop by!
I love the wreath on your wall. Is that the one Sue gave you for Christmas??
Yes, that is the wreath that Sue gave us. However, she gave it to us for Thanksgiving. Doesn't it look great in the dining room?
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