Matt found, fell in love with, and purchased a few orchids. I too found an orchid that is just amazing, but I truly fell in love with the simple Gerber Daisy. He bought a red daisy for me that day.
The next day I was back at work and somewhere between Matt's apartment, the trip back to Staunton, or being left at school (accidentally!) the wonderful and beautiful daisy got too cold and died a quick and horrible death. It was very sad because I only had one or two days to admire the beauty of the flower.
Fast forward to twelfth night (January 5, 2009). This was the day that Matt and I were planning on taking down our Christmas decorations and just enjoying the end of the holiday season. That morning we also realized that day also could be celebrated because it has been 6 months since we were married (half is hard to believe!)
Matt came home that day with a big smile, some Baileys Irish Creme, and a pot of Gerber Daisies - just like the ones that I fell in love with and purchased at the orchid sale.
Here is to a wonderful twelfth night, and many future years with a sentimental husband :)
How Romantic!! What a sweet story.
Your Twelfth Night sounds very romantic. Ours was quiet, too, with eggnog, Baileys and Kings College Choir, all enjoyed in the soft glow of the Christmas tree. We finally switched our outside lights off for the last time Monday night, and we're just waiting for the weather to warm a little so we can take the lights down off the eaves. This was a lovely Christmas season, and we were so happy to have our "kids" home once again.
Happy 2009, Everyone!
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