I am so very thankful for so many things this year, but I guess I will have to start with the most obvious....FAMILY
Matt and I...Our First Thanksgiving
Matt and I are our own little family for our first Thanksgiving together and it was wonderful. We even hosted Thanksgiving this year!
Sue and Steve (Matt's parents) in front of the Christmas tree that Sue and I put up and decorated (we also did the outdoor lights along the poarch....brrrrrr it was cold!)
Matt's parents drove from Tenn. on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving to spend some time with us. His brother and sister-in-law could not make it due to commitments at work and with the other family. But it was so special for us to have Matt's parents here, to see our house, to see how we live, to enjoy a vacation and just spend time together. They were able to stay until Sunday morning.
Glen and Betty (my parents)Many card games were played
Many Wii games were challenged
Many stories were told
Many laughs were had
Many items of food were prepared
Many stomaches were always stuffed!
It was a wonderful time....
"This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: 'Huge success.'"
What a picture of me!! I think that calls for a redo. You caught me with my mouth wide open, but Glen says that is normal.
Kind of sad that no one made any comment or even questioned my very first attempt at speaking Klingon. Oh, well!
Yeah, the Klingon thing went right over my head. Sorry!
But I am impressed that you hosted...looks like a great time. Good for you!
Well, I was impressed. I just didn't say anything, lest people think that Star Trek is all I ever think about!
Not so. Far from it! Sometimes I think about Star Wars!
We had such a great time at your house. Thanks for hosting a lovely Thanksgiving.
Steve and I just got back inside from hanging our icicle lights on the eaves - always a big job, especially when it's cold outside. But we thought this might be the best weather we get between now and Christmas, so we took this opportunity. At least the sun was shining. Steve is my hero! We're warming up with some hot cider right now.
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