Monday, September 15, 2008

The Vest

A while back in one of my blogs I mentioned that I was working on a vest for Matt. Here is the story. On our second date we went to a Renaissance Faire. At that event Matt found a vest that he loved that was a bunch of strips of material that were connected by lacing. So he asked if I could make him one. I had no pattern or real idea of what he wanted, but through many drawings and guessing I came up with this.
Which thank goodness is almost exactly what he wanted. We have already decided on some alterations that need to be made for the next version.
And it even looks good with a back view! Piece of trivia: There are about 300 metal eyelets, that had to be hammered in, holding it together.

I finished the vest at 12:00 midnight on Friday. Just in time to go to a Renaissance demonstration at 10:00 am Saturday. Where were were both able to show off our garb (yes I made my dress too!)

We met a few people at the demonstration that I think we will see more of. Matt met a few people that will help him get back into fencing (I might even try that sometime). And I met some contacts for dancing (which, yes, Matt will go to also).

However, if the pictures indicate matter what we do...we will be looking good!


Amy said...

The vest looks great! It was hard to see how it was going to come together when it was just strips of material. Good job, Lana!!

suedaniels said...

Forsooth! Thou art a fine lad and a saucy wench!

Well, thou art!

love the feather.
