I was at class on Saturday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. When I got home I was welcomed to a few new additions. Matt had gone shopping. During the time I was gone, he had bought and planted two new blueberry bushes to join the one that was left for us by the previous owners of the house.

I think that the blueberry bushes will be very happy beside our three grape vines from my sisters (Amy and Carol...thanks by the way!)

Between all of the fruit bushes, and fruit vines, and the plan to make our garden about four times what it was this year. Our yard next year will hopefully be very busy making food :)
Your yard looks so good. I am looking forward to seeing if you have enough grapes to make some juice next year!
Just wait till we come with the roto-tiller this fall. We'll make it big enough,and you'll soon think about down sizing
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