Some milestones that I want to record on here (and share with friends and family) are:
On September 3rd Grace really crawled for the first time! This was hand, knee, hand, knee thing. Not the move your hands scoot your head or belly, move your knees, roll and somehow get to where you are going. No, this was the real crawl thing. I think that she enjoys it for she has done it many times since. I believe that she has realized that she can get places fairly fast by using this new skill.
On September 4th Grace got her fourth tooth. Top middle. Matt will no longer be able to call her snaggletooth :) She seems to be enjoying sharpening her lethal choppers on flesh and furniture alike. She is starting to get a very toothy grin with her four teeth, it is quite cute (until she lunges at you with her mouth open).

Today she has discovered the joy of one of her new toys that we got her over the weekend. We got her a walk behind toy. She grabs onto the handle and back and forth in the living room she goes. She squeals and laughs the whole way. I think that she knows that she is doing something big. Another big milestone to record is that I am noticing that she is walking on her tippy toes less and less. She is starting to walk on her flat foot. I do not think it will be long before she walks on her own, however I am not going to push it. I just want her to play and enjoy her new toys.

Gotta keep moving....
Till next time!
She has the most amazing smile! That is one happy baby. And look at that musculature - she's totally ripped. Good job, Lana, keeping her moving. She looks great.
As the Grandfather in the middle of nowhere USA, THANK YOU, Lana for keeping me up to date on my grand daughter. And for the pics.
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