Sunbeam Time. While Matt and I eat breakfast, we set Grace in the sunbeam that is in the living room with a toy or two. She thinks it is the best thing to play and watch us eat.

Any time that she can get with her daddy. Grace and I can have a very challenging day but as soon as Matt walks in, Grace quiets down and it seems as if no wrong can happen now that daddy is home.

Church. She likes to watch people, she especially likes to touch the people in the pew in front of us. She also likes the nursery, there are two other little girls to play with, and many adults who just love to sit, hold, and cuddle.

Smile, Cheese, Flirt, Squeal, and just in general be happy. There have been many times that I am in line to pay the cashier at the grocery story when I notice Grace smiling and laughing for "no reason." So I turn around and find another adult making faces at her. It never fails, when Grace finds someone to play with, she will keep it going as long as she can.

Standing. She loves to be on her two feet. She will pull herself up on just about anything, she will take steps around the item (while holding on). She will hold my hand like in the picture and take a step or two. She still does not have the balance thing down, and she is very unsure of herself. Walking is a way off, but she is enjoying this new freedom.
How sweet! She just is too little to walk just yet, and also she doesn't have shoes on her feet. Give her time and she will be running circles. Love Mamaw Betty
She is definitely gifted! Look at her stand on her own two feet. I love the sunbeam picture - well done, Lana.
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