1. Grace got two teeth! Two weeks ago on Thursday she got one tooth, and the next day the got the other. So now she has two very tiny, very sharp bottom teeth. Bottom middle.
2. Grace is starting to learn how to crawl. She moves, but she does not crawl. She knows that it involves her legs, her arms, and lifting her belly but she has not figured out she has to do all three at once. So she moves her legs, lifts her belly, lunges forward and then scoots her arms...repeat till she gets close to the toys that are her target.
3. Matt and I for the first time went out and bought baby wipes yesterday. Grace is a few days shy of 6 months old and we have not yet had to buy baby wipes...well that was till yesterday. I feel so blessed to have so many of our friends provide for us as they have for Grace!
4. Grace is now partaking of table food. I usually choose one meal to veer away from her baby food. But for that one meal I look at what was prepared for Matt and I, then I pull out the baby food grinder and load it up with what we are eating, grind it to a consistency for Grace, then she has her meal with us. So far she has had pancakes, noodles in a beef sauce (no meat) and "tuna" noodle casserole...I put tuna in quotation marks because I served her meal up before we put the tuna in.
5. We are almost done with the building project. The pergola has been in the works for many weeks, and now it is to a point where Matt can do it all by himself. But that is new and big in this house. I hope Matt will write a blog on that soon.
That is all I can think of at this moment, I am sure that there is so much more. But those will be left for yet another post.
Eamon, Shannon and Carol are very excited to hear about Grace's new developments! We can't wait to see her trying to crawl this weekend - she better perform for us!! ;) :)
Great blog! Have been watching and waiting for one. Now would like to see pictures of the pergola and Grace in her swing back there. Grace is really moving on with her abilities. Go Grace go! Love Mamaw Betty
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