As I open the door I expect to hear a frantic "Meow" as a beautiful dark, striped cat walks quickly across the road to greet me and look for some affection.
As I walk to the trash can I expect to hear a quiet "Meow" as I am startled by the same pretty cat "hiding out" in our bushes or next to our garage.
As I open the garage door on a very cold or rainy day I half expect to see a dark figure zoom into our garage to find new shelter from the elements. (one night we accidentally left the garage door open and we could hear "Meow" at the door that led from the kitchen to the garage. I am sure that he was having a great time protecting our garage and staying out of the elements in a new location)
As I look across the street I expect to see a cat sitting royally by our neighbor's front door, as if he owned this area and everything around it.
But I am sad to say that my expectations will never happen again, Scooter died this past week. Scooter was a wonderful cat that adopted us a while back, loved to say hello, and we think that he even took it upon himself to protect us from the other animals in the neighborhood.
Grace was able to meet/get sniffed by Scooter twice, I am very sad that she will not have the chance to play/chase Scooter as she grows up.
Scooter (or Tooter, as my nephew called him) will be greatly missed.
Scooter will be missed. What a good cat he was! I haven't had the heart to tell the boys about Tooter yet.
That is a beautiful picture of Scooter!
Thank you for writing that! It means a lot to me to know that you guys loved him as much as we did.
Cameron (aka, Scooters Momma)
We are so sorry to hear of Scooter's death. He was a very sweet cat, and we were proud to have known him.
That's a wonderful picture of your house, knee-deep in snow! Are you ready for some more?
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