A little over a month ago Matt and I discovered that someone was selling the exact jogging stroller on craigslist that we wanted for about 100 dollars less than asking price from the store. So we jumped at the chance to purchase it and got it about two weeks before she was born.
It is a wonderful B.O.B. jogging duallie! Yes, I know that we only have one child and now a double stroller...we are looking into the future and hoping for another before too long to fill that other spot. But in the meantime as Matt says, we can store a cooler in that side and the baby in the other.
I think that the cold weather has made us all a little cabin feverish, so we were excited about 55 degree weather. We all got bundled up, wrapped Grace up in blankets, and went for a run around the neighborhood. It felt so good to run. I had not been running for about four months, so it felt odd but wonderful!
I think that Grace is going to keep us thin and healthy because she loves riding in the stroller while we are jogging. If we stop, she does not like it. And the funny part is she also does not like the car. So if we want to use a moving vehicle to calm our baby down we will have to go for a run.
This wonderful little bubble is the weather shield that came with the stroller, keeps the wind off of her. I am hoping that this is the start of many runs that this stroller will have with us.
I'm glad you were able to use the stroller! What a wonderful day for a run. Don't rush the future, enjoy Grace today, tomorrow will come soon enough.
Grace looks like she is very comfortable in the stroller. She is such a beautiful baby. Hope her ride to H'burg next weekend won't be too rough on her. Mamaw Betty
I just figured it out. She likes the stroller because she can see the view where she's going. (Also, she's in front of you!). Maybe when she gets a little older and can sit in the car seat facing forward, she'll like it better than watching the back of the seat. Wouldn't you?
This weekend did feel good, after all that sub-freezing weather we've been having. 55 degrees felt like spring, out there trimming the shrubbery. I was glad to get back to the office Monday so I could get some rest.
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