Here is a short version of the past few days events:
Friday 12/18
- water broke at 3:30 am
- Amy and Dad quickly got in the car to drive from Harrisonburg to Roanoke so that Amy could be with us.
- Admitted to the hospital
- Nothing happening...absolutely NOTHING!
- 11:00 am started getting Pitocin to start labor
- From 1:00 pm on Friday to 2:45 am Saturday hard labor with contractions coming about 2-3 minutes apart the whole time. :(
Saturday 12/19
- 2:45 am got an epidural
- Had a 2 hour nap...Heavenly!
- Woke up feeling GREAT! I am learning that epidurals are nice (especially after 14 hours of contractions...)
- After 30 minutes of pushing....
- Grace arrived at 10:21 am

Mom, Dad and Baby are all doing fine....
But we had to stay in the hospital so long because it was so long between when my water broke to when delivery happened. So monitoring had to take place.
The important thing is that now we are home, happy and learning how to do this parent thing :)
I take it these are from the notes Matt was taking while you were in labor.
Just so you know. The "learning how to do the parenting thing" is an on going process. As soon as you think you've got it, Grace will throw you a curve ball!
So glad you all are home.
Yes, I have to agree. Good luck with the "parenting thing." If you ever get it sorted out, you let us know what you find out, okay?
Grace is beautiful. The rest of the families also need to thank Amy (and Mike and the boys) for helping Lana and Matt and Grace with the delivery. I know that I do.
Love the picture! She looks so alert. Also hanging on to that stethoscope, is precious. How I wish I could see her and hold her.
Mamaw Betty
Steve, I was honored to be there. What an incredible experience!! I would do it again!
I do love this picture. She sure is a honey!
I agree with Sue, if you figure it out (the parenting thing) let me know. I still get stumped!
Fear not, for behold, I bring you great tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, in the City of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Merry Christmas, Matt, Lana and Grace!
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