With less than three weeks to go before my due date, I am anxiously looking forward to getting my big Christmas present (our little girl). One of my friends mentioned that it helps to keep busy because if you stay at home and only think about wanting to have the baby, it will seem like it will never happen! So thanks to family and GE we are trying to keep busy so my mind is occupied a little.
Last weekend Matt and I went to Harrisonburg and had Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Cookie day (a Kiser tradition) all in one weekend. This was because this is the last trip that we are going to make before Grace is born, so all the holidays needed to be fit in.
Yesterday we went to the Hotel Roanoke (which is always amazing around Christmas time with the many, many Christmas trees that the local businesses decorate for the hotel) for the GE Christmas dinner. It is always fun to meet for the first time, and see again some of the people that Matt works with. This was my third time going to this party and I must say that it gets more enjoyable each time, maybe because I get to know some of the people better over the year.
Pending a trip to the hospital....
Thursday we are going to go and assemble little red wagons and trikes for children in need. That was a very fun event last year with very yummy pizza afterward. We will see how much I will be able to help, I might just be there to hand the tools to the individuals who are doing the real work.
Saturday will be a early morning because we are planning on going to a warehouse and helping with Christmas baskets which are actually very large boxes that are filled with food and toys and other items that local businesses donate. These are filled then delivered to local needy families. Last year we added in a toy train and also some body spray. I wonder what station we will be able to get this year...hopefully something toward the end (so I do not have to bend over too much to help it all fit in) and also not too heavy. This was a great event last year because 1. they had great donuts to eat... and 2. we took our radio and had Christmas music to dance around to while we waited for the boxes to be carted around.
This is only the plan for this week, next week we have infant CPR among many other things. I really am trying to keep myself busy while at the same time not too over booked so that I get exhausted.
(But honestly I have to admit that I hope that I do not make it to half of these events, because I want to meet this little girl...and soon!)