at least that is the best way that I can describe what has happened with one of our neighbor's cats.

Isn't he just too cute? Well, here is the story. Matt and I moved in about a year and a half ago. Soon after we met one of our neighbors that have two cats. They would go on trips and we would be more than willing to go over and feed and play with the cats (they were both indoor cats).
A few trips later, where we fed the cats, Scooter (pictured above) became an outdoor cat (due to multiple reasons).

As you can see, Matt really enjoys Scooter. However, I do not think that Matt enjoys cleaning up the present that Scooter left us one day. We woke up to find that Scooter had brought us a bird (after spending a lot of time with it...from the looks of the "bird") and put it in the middle of our front yard. Thanks for the gift, Scooter!

Well, after Scooter became an outdoor cat and we would see him every once in awhile...but not often. However, in the past few months we have walked out of our door and either heard a "meow" as Scooter is crossing the road to come and say Hi to us, or we find him lounging in our bushes in our front yard waiting to get some love and affection from us.
One day Matt and I were sitting in our living room with the windows open, and we suddenly heard a light thump and a loud meow. We looked over to the window to find Scooter had placed his paws on our window sill on the outside and was trying to see and talk to us through the screen. I am so glad that he is declawed on his front paws or else we would probably have some holes in the screen.
I think that this is the best of both worlds for all considered. Matt and I can play with a cat without having to care for it, feed it, or do all that goes along with owning a pet. Scooter can get loving from his owners family, get loving from Matt and I, and get wonderful care from his owners.

What a cutie! I am so glad that we finally got adopted :)
Just makes me wonder why Scooter has decided to adopt us or become our "protector"?
"Tooter", as Adam used to call him, is a very nice cat. He is very lucky to have the best of both worlds!
I had to laugh when you said "there would be holes in the screen" Lana, screens are made of holes!! But, I knew what you meant!! :)
He's a beautiful cat!
I guess you know by now, Lana, Matt is the Cat Whisperer. There will be many more cats.
I was totally taken by surprise when I opened your blog today to find a great story about my kitty cat. He really does have the best of all worlds - being outside and a free spirit, having us to feed and love on him and having you and Matt loving on him. He loves it! Thank you for letting him adopt you.
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