The heart rate was bounding along at a good 145 bpm. And we did find out what we are having... Let me just say that our little girl was either very tired, or very stubborn because she was not moving into the positions that the nurse wanted her in to take the many many pictures that she desired to have. We did get to see our little girl elbowing, kicking me, and also jumping on all fours (much like a bucking bronco). I did not feel a thing, but it was entertaining to watch. The nurse finally gave up and I had my meeting with the doctor.
The doctor said all is going well, and there are no questions or concerns. So he sent be back to the nurse to have yet another sonogram...hoping that our little girl might have moved, or might cooperate a little better this time. Well, let's just sum this up in one word "NOPE!" She was just as hard to get pictures of as she was before. So they are planning on trying to get the desired pictures at the next doctor's appointment that I have in a month.
But I must say, that in all that they did see...all looks good and there is nothing obvious to be concerned about, that was very reassuring to me.
Since I have time this summer, I have been trying to work hard at my desired sewing projects. And the one that I just finished that I wished to include into this blog is that I finally finished recovering the bumper pad for the crib (both of which we inherited).
The above picture shows how great the bumper pad goes with two of the pieces of art that I want to include in the nursery. First of all Rainbow Fish was a Christmas present from a co-worker when I was a librarian. Look at those blues and those other bright colors! The second picture is a little dog sitting among yellow flowers. This came from my mother-in-law. I do not think that you can see how well the yellows and the greens of the picture goes with the walls but I think that you can tell that it will look great with all of the blues. Thanks Sue!
A close up of how the colors of the flowers go with the walls. I am so glad that everything that we have pulled together from many stores and been given are coming together to make a fabulous nursery.
Fabulous! It really is all coming together.
And . . . you're welcome.
What a bright, fun nursery! Congrats on your little girl. Girls are so much fun! I am so excited for our third to join our family!!!
Lana, the nursery looks great!! I can't wait to see it when everything is done!
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