My doctor and my nurse are great, which is a big relief since I was walking into this very blindly.
We sat and talked to the doctor and I had many of my questions answered by him.
Then we got to see the baby! We had a sonogram done to see the baby and also to measure the baby, and to see when the due date is.
The heart beat is galloping along at a nice 176 beats per minute which I heard is good.
But all is well and my actual due date is December 29th. In other words it will be a holiday baby whether it comes early or late.
Amazing!! I never had a sonogram this early in the pregnancy. I showed my boys. Austin said, "Awww, cute!! It's so tiny!" Adam said, "I can't see it, it's too froggy!" I think he saw it then after I pointed it out. Glad things are going well for you.
Oh, Baby! Isn't it sweet?
This is so exciting! Keep those blogs coming. Can't wait for June 5 to see you and Matt. Mom
I actually think that's a GREAT picture! I can definitely see head, body, arms. So incredible!
I'm so excited for you!
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