Daylight Savings Time has always been a mystery to me. It took me a long time to remember Spring forward and Fall back. Then I have to remember what clocks I changed and which ones I did not. Now with all of this new fangled technology that I am still trying to understand...somethings change time on their own. So now I have to figure out what has already reset and what I need to set to the new time.
Add that into the fact that Grace has had a cold for the past week or so. She has not been sleeping the best (I do not blame her). Friday night she was up from midnight to 4 am, which made for a very interesting and blurry Saturday for both Matt and I, but that is another story.
Add those two things together...
This morning I woke to Grace talking (very loudly) in her crib. She had decided that it was now morning time. I looked at the clock, with my still half asleep eyes, and saw that it said 5:00 am.
I rejoiced! Yes! I decided that this was one of those new fangled clocks that changed time automatically with DST. And in my blurry mind, I decided that meant that it was really 6:00 am to our bodies (the normal wake up time for Grace). Grace slept a whole night, and she slept well, and she woke at a normal time. I could barely contain my happiness. I grabbed a robe, went into her nursery, turned on the light, and praised her for the wonderful sleep that she had...and we headed downstairs.
I turned on my computer so that I could read e-mail as I fed her the morning bottle. That is when I noticed in the small print in the lower right hand corner of my computer the glaring numbers of 4:14. Ugh, my alarm clock is not new fangled. It is a normal...reset me...stay the same is really 4:00 am...alarm clock.
Happiness faded, tiredness starting to set in, bottle finished, happy baby.
Early start to the day, but who can complain when you have a laughing, happy baby at your feet?