I am currently in my 18th week of pregnancy and in some ways it feels as if it has flown by, but at the same time...it seems like it has and will go on forever (I know that is not true, but it has crossed my mind). Things are going well, I am feeling good. I am anxious about my next appointment which is on Tuesday of next week, I want to see the little one again and hear the heart beat again (and getting to know the gender of the child is just an added bonus for me!)
The nursery is coming along slowly. As you can see in the above picture (aside from my ever expanding belly) we have a couch, and a bookshelf in the nursery and seeing that I am a librarian it is not shocking to find out that the bookshelf already has multiple books on it for the baby.
The glider rocker has found a perfect home (in fact that has already become my favorite place to curl up with a book during the day).
And finally the bumble bee valances are done! They make the room very bright and cheery (as if the paint job did not do that for the room in the first place :)
Sometime this week, I am going to have to convince Matt to go up in the attic and pull down some of our newborn items that we inherited. Then I can continue to work on my sewing projects. Next on my list is recovering a bumper pad for an inherited crib that is not even set up yet! I know that I am getting an early start on many of these projects but I figure that the more that I can get done early, the less I will have to worry and stress about as the birthday gets closer.
That is all for now, you will certainly hear more about this topic next week.
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